Yeah, that’s it. It’s the teeth. It was driving me crazy.
→ driving me crazy - 快把我逼瘋了。
→ Driving me nuts
→ Driving me bananas
→ Driving me insane。
→ 例句: My new colleague is driving nuts! He can’t stop shaking his leg. It’s making me bananas! (我新同事要把我逼瘋了,他沒有辦法不抖腳。這讓我快瘋了。)
Beth: I don’t know what it was.
Beltik: Exactly, you’re still just improvising.
Beth: I just wiped you out five times.
→ Wipe - 擦拭的動作
→ Out - 出局、不存在
→ wipe out - 整個被徹底抹去
→ 例句1: Mondays always wipe me out. There would always be an endless amount of emails waiting for feedback. (星期一總是會累垮我,永遠都無止盡有的email等著被回覆。)
→ 例句2: Everyone was wiped out from the weekend training camp last week. (大家都被上周末的魔鬼訓練營累垮了。)
→ 例句3: The entire city was wiped out when the volcano erupted. (當火山爆發的時候,整個城市都抹滅了)
→ 例句4: I bet I can wipe out the entire team within 10 minutes. (我相信我十分鐘內可以幹掉整隊。)
Mike and I tied the knot right after graduation.
→ Tied the knot, knot - 結婚
You’re too sharp for me.
→ sharp - 尖銳,形容人很聰明、敏銳
→ 例句: In order to become a buyer for fashion industry, one must have a sharp eye for fashion. (想成為時尚業的採購一定要對時尚有敏銳的眼光。)
You know, I’d tell them to get in shape. Most people think about chess players, they think about people who look like you.
→ get in shape - 動一動練一練,身體結實一點