
Climate change is altering the ocean in three major ways.

→ Climate change - 氣候變遷

→ Altering - 改變

→ Major - 較大、較重要的

反義詞: Minor - 較小的、較不重要的


- Majority - 大部分的

- minority小部分的

Major 例句: Refined carb is one the major causes of obesity. (精緻碳水化合物是肥胖症的主要原因之一)

Minor 例句: We can always make some minor adjustment along the process. (我們可以在過程中做些小調整)


Over the past century, the ocean’s surface temperature rose at an average rate at about .13 degrees Fahrenheit per decade. (在過去的一百年間,海面溫度以每10年約華式0.13的平均速度上升。)

→ Fahrenheit - 華式

→ Decade - 十年

例句: We only met last month, but it feels like we’ve known each other for decades. (我們上個月才認識,但感覺好像已經認識幾十年。)


Sea levels rise not only because water expands when it heats up, but also due to melting glaciers and ice sheets. (海平面上升不僅僅因為水加熱時會膨脹,同時也因於冰川與冰面融化)

→ Expand - 擴大

→ Glacier - 冰川

→ Ice sheet - 冰面 

→ Due to - 因於

例句: The success he has today is due to decades of perseverance. (他今日的成功來自於長久以來的堅持不懈。)

◆ Perseverance 努力、堅持不懈


A third consequence of climate change is ocean acidification. (氣候變遷的第三個後果是海洋酸化)

→ Consequence - 後果

→ Ocean acidification - 海洋酸化

例句: I overslept on the day of final examination. As a consequence, I have to spend the entire summer retaking the class. (我期末考那天睡過頭了。所以後果就是,我必須要花整個暑假重修這門課。)


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